Earn 60 PDUs to renew certification for free

Earn PDUs

In order to renew PMI certifications like PMP, PgMP, ACP, PBA, etc. one has to earn 60 PDUs in the duration of 3 years in the three areas – Technical, Leadership, Strategic. There are several sources from which one can earn PDUs. However, there are many resources which helps in earning 60 PDUs for free as mentioned below.

1. Project Management Site – This site contains online and live webinars related to Project Management. There are many free and paid webinars one can watch to earn PDUs.  If PMI membership is taken then that membership works for this site too. Through that, all paid videos can be watched. These webinars are from all industries and in different Knowledge Areas. One can filter webinars based upon areas – Technical, Leadership, Strategic. PDUs get automatically added to the PMI account after few days.

2. Online articles – One can go through online articles and then report the learning/description to the PMI to claim PDUs. After going through the article, while submitting it on the PMI website for claiming PDUs, it has to be mentioned article was approximately equal to how many PDUs, out of that how many comes under Technical, how many comes under Leadership and how many comes under Strategic. PMI takes it time to audit the submission and approves/disapproves in few days. Example: Project Management BlogProject Management Guru Blog.

3. Project Management Seminars – There are many seminars related to Project Management ongoing everywhere in the world. You can join PMI chapters too which are very knowledgeable and help a lot in networking. One can also report seminars attended related to the project management to gain PDUs.

If you know about more resources from which one can earn 60 PDUs for free, or even paid ones, then share it in the comment section.

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