PMP is the most popular and prestigious Project Management exam in the current time. In order to pass this exam, it is very much necessary to select the good book which can explain all concepts in such a way so that one can remember it easily. There are various books from which one can prepare for PMP exam. However, following three books standout when it comes down explaining concepts in easy and detailed manner. The first one is from Rita Mulcahy, which is preferred by most of the PMP exam takers,. The second one is from Andy Crowe, which is my favorite and through which I studied during my PMP exam preparation. The third one is from O’Reilly, which is also quite popular among the PMP exam takers. There are exercises at the end of each chapter, full length tests, glossary, lots of examples for each processes and knowledge areas. This helps in cementing the concept in ones mind without any extra effort. I hope this article will help in the preparation of the PMP exam.
These books are not only beneficial in PMP preparation but also in learning Project Management Concepts which can be applied during project management across all industries like IT, Construction, Finance, Marketing, etc.

Official PMBOK Guide – Buy here (India), Buy here (US) “#ad”
PMP Exam Prep: Accelerated Learning to Pass the Project Management Professional (PMP) Exam by Rita Mulcahy – Buy here (India), Buy here (US) “#ad”
The PMP Exam: How to pass on your First Try by Andy Crowe – Buy here (India), Buy here (US) “#ad”
Head First PMP: A Learner’s Companion to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam by O’Reilly – Buy here (India), Buy here (US) “#ad”
Do share in the comment section which PMP Project Management book did you refer and why so that we can all be benefited in our preparation for PMP.
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