Communication Management

Project Communication Management

Project Communication Management is the PMP Knowledge Area. Purpose of Project Communication Management:

  1. Meet information needs of the stakeholders.

Processes & Outputs

Plan Communications Management [Planning]Communication Management Plan
[Who needs what information? When do they need it? What format is required?]
Manage Communications [Executing]Project Communications [We distribute information]
Monitor Communications [Monitoring and Controlling]We check performance in the area of communication
We manage changes related to the communication

Process Description

1. Plan Communications Management [Process / Planning] – In this process we conduct followings:
1. We conduct “Communication Requirements Analysis” (technique) to know communication requirements of the stakeholders and develop Communication Management Plan.
2. We decide “Communication Methods” (technique) we will use. Communication methods are of 3 types:
     a. Interactive – Conferencing, Presentation, Meetings
     b. Push – Email
     c. Pull – Sharepoint Portal
3. We also try to understand “Communication Model” to avoid barriers to communication.

Communication Barriers are language, culture, background, educational background, prejudices. Whenever the communication is blocked, conflict arises. To avoid communication barriers, sender is responsible to make message clear, complete and confirm that it has been understood. Receiver is responsible to understand the message entirely and provide feedback.

4. We decide Communication Technology we will use.

i. 80% time of Project Manager goes into communication. Therefore, it is very important competence.
ii. Major part of communication is non-verbal communication. This is body language and not email. If we want to know deeper meaning of what is said then we must understand non-verbal communication.
iii. Communication Channels = n*(n-1)/2. ‘n’ is the number of people.
iv. If the number of people increases, number of communication channels increase exponentially.

2. Manage Communications [Process / Executing] – We distribute information to the stakeholders according to the Communication Management Plan by using communication methods, information distribution tools, communication model,  and interpersonal skills. The output of this process is Project Communications. All the communication made and lessons learned are archived in Organizational Process Assets (OPAs) for future reference.

3. Monitor Communications [Process / Monitoring and Controlling] – We check whether information needs of the stakeholders are being met properly or not. If we find any gap then we recommend corrective actions for approval. We check variance from the plan and generate work performance information (measurement of variance). 

In case of variance:
a. Find causes
b. Find corrective actions
c. Recommend it to Integrated Change Control for approval
After approval, there are 4 duties:
a. Give it to execution for implementation
b. Write approved changes in the Project Management Plan
c. Write lessons learned in OPAs

d. Inform concerned stakeholders

Exercise: Answer at-least 80% of the questions correctly in order to master the topic.
20 Questions Challenge
50 Questions Challenge